RECCA National Focal Points – Terms of Reference
The chief measure of success for the RECCA involves the level of implementation for the RECCA commitments made, including the extent to which people and governments in the region receive tangible economic, social, and political benefits.
The role of the National Focal Points for the RECCA, both generating and coordinating development projects that are regional in nature, improves implementation. All discussions and products developed by the implementation group would form the basis for RECCA gatherings and its ministerial meetings.
The following Terms of Reference outlines the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for the National Focal Points of the RECCA implementation group:
- Serves as a primary point of contact for the RECCA Secretariat in Kabul on overall programming and implementation process of the RECCA activities,
- Chief responsibility for follow-up to annual RECCA meeting decisions in their respective countries,
- Analyze and make policy recommendations for advancing current and future RECCA projects implementations,
- With support of RECCA Secretariat, plan meeting and facilitate policy implementation discussions,
- Oversee, review and report RECCA projects within their countries and develop reports,
- Provide national expertise for all RECCA activities and its implementation process,
- Keep relevant members of their government/ Cabinet apprised of progress related to the projects and its activities,
- Facilitate specific RECCA strategy implementation instruments at the national level such as Infrastructure Fund, Results Frameworks, Road Show opportunities, and related business/investment events,
- Facilitate the work on future RECCA events, including ministerial, and working group meetings